
Efficient Business Consulting was established in 2008 by Deirdre Mooney to help businesses become more efficient and thus increase profit.

Deirdre Mooney
Deirdre Mooney

Managing Director

Our methods predominantly involve understanding the strategic direction from the top and working on how to achieve this from the bottom.

We concentrate on processes first, staff skill-sets and attitudes next and automation/technology implementations last.

Our associates are experienced in IT, Strategic Planning, Supply Chain, HR, Business Process Improvement, Management Training and Personal Development.

Efficient Business Consulting is led by Deirdre Mooney.


Deirdre is a problem solver who loves challenges – she consistently adds skills, taking new courses so she can increase her store of knowledge and … she loves sharing that knowledge with clients and colleagues.

Deirdre has considerable international business experience, working with IT and Business people from all corners of Europe, and with outsourcing partners worldwide.

Deirdre concentrates on the outcomes of assignments and works hard personally and through strong leadership of teams to deliver these on time, within budget and to agreed quality standards. Deirdre loves when she can deliver improved outcomes for her clients.

Deirdre is a good listener and spends the first couple of days of a new assignment listening to all the stakeholders relating to the issue to be improved. In this way she gathers all the strands impacting the issues and its desired outcome and this also allows for a more inclusive solution to be designed and implemented.

Deirdre only recommends consultants she has worked with previously and thus can market under the “Efficient” banner. Deirdre holds her consultants to the same high business operating standard as herself so as to ensure value to her clients.

See below for our contact details.